Against ‘the ancient splendour’
Public & Heritage.
Knowing, documenting and passing on cultural heritage: forms of storytelling from sources to digital
Curated by the ‘La Venaria Reale’ Conservation and Restoration Centre, Department of Historical Studies and SUSCOR – University of Turin
5 days
2 round tables
2 paths of deepening with laboratories dedicated to the enhancement and communication of an archaeological site and an exhibition
After the happy experience of Winter School 2018, a new stage of the project aimed at strengthening the Link between university pathways the sciences of the archival, historical, anthropological, archaeological and historical-artistic heritage and the Transmission of such knowledge, both to the ‘insiders’ and to the ‘general public’, making use of the most up-to-date communication strategies.
This edition addresses the Theme of Reconstruction and integration, both material, through restoration and anastylosis, and virtual, through digital methodologies, with a reflection on communication that still too often in the cultural field tends to simplify concepts and return incorrect information.
° Students
° Specialists
° PhD students
° Professionals in the fields of Archaeology, Art History, Restoration, Architecture, Archives, Communication
Participants will be selected on the basis of their CV, course of study and/or professional background.
€ 150 full rate (participation in all master classes, afternoon workshops + voucher for lunches)
€ 80 reduced rate (only master class in presence or with the possibility of connecting remotely)
° Students and former students of the Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Turin – Venaria campus: participation free of charge for master classes, thanks to the scholarships made available by the ‘Amici della Reggia’ Association and the ‘La Venaria Reale’ Restoration Centre. (Reduced price € 80 participation in masterclass + workshop).
° Enrolled in the Young Professionals Forum 2021-2022 (Reduced price € 80)
The complete program can be browsed HERE
This edition focuses on possibilities and opportunities that effective communication generates in the cultural field and on positive repercussions in terms of the social involvement of the various publics that places of culture can reach. These results also go through the debunking of some clichés, such as those involving restoration, which simplify and diminish messages, helping to generate ambiguity within the world of cultural heritage, which must increasingly prove to be open and inclusive, making meanings and peculiarities accessible.
Le need for updating The skills expressed by cultural institutions today are directed towards the demand for skills related to disciplinary knowledge but above all towards the search for professional figures able to transmit to a wider audience the identity value of history and heritage. University courses do not always provide structured training in these areas.
is to form interlocutors active in creating lines of connection between traditional knowledge and their possible forms of critical and visual representation and narration. The reflection on the methods of representation is then flanked by that on the practical repercussions in the management and enhancement of the heritage, being able to count on the active participation of scholars, directors and conservators of museums, archaeological parks and monumental complexes, communication specialists.
A series of frontal lessons, round tables e lectio magistralis (master class) are held on the 5 mornings of the Winter School while in the afternoon the thematic workshops. The didactic modules focus on a series of transversal methodological meetings, also aimed at reflecting on case studies and experiences already in place at national and international level to be then declined into more specific modules, up to the practice of the laboratories, with the intervention of scholars and experts.
One of the days is dedicated specifically to cultural journalism and is open to journalists from the Order of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta.
Participants in the Winter School can choose one of the two workshops proposed, working as a team to carry out design and practical activities that will be implemented during the period March-September 2022 and that will be presented during the final day of the 2022 edition of the Winter School to be held in September.
The laboratories have two addresses:
- The villa Roman and the late-ancient site of Costigliole Saluzzo. Valuing a settlement, communicating archaeological research
- ‘The Guardians of Beauty’, an exhibition organised by the JRC to tell the story of preventive conservation and planned maintenance in residences, to be held in the Hunting Lodge in Stupinigi from March to June 2022
PRE-registration OPEN UNTIL 13 MARCH!