RESTURO CONSERVATION CENTER La Venaria Realehome / News / “Matter. Form of Time”

21 October 2024

Ten years of research have led to the creation of ‘Materia. Form of Time”

“Matter. Shape of Time” is the new permanent exhibition of the Egyptian Museum that investigates the matter in ancient Egypt, including woods, pigments, ceramic vases and stone objects, from the Predynastic Age (ca. 4000-3100 BC) to the Byzantine (565-642 AD)

The ‘La Venaria Reale’ Conservation and Restoration Centre contributed with technical and scientific advice to the production of content for the setting up of the first room of the exhibition.
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The scientists of the Centre used different analytical techniques to investigate the pictorial palette and then find the variety of colors, pigments and dyes used by artisans and artists of the millennial civilization, thus making the setting up of the Museum a unique dedicated exhibition
There are three sections of the permanent exhibition, which winds from the ground floor to the hypogeum and tells the story of the ancient Nilotic civilization from a new perspective.

Of the various pieces exhibited in the first room – such as the important ‘yellow’ sarcophagus of the lady and singer of Amon, Tamutmutef – comprehensive studies and diagnostic campaigns were carried out which, through a comparison with all the partners, allowed the characterisation of the materials in place.

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