Young Professionals Forum 2024

Young Professionals Forum 2024. Cultural accessibility: Principles and Methodologies for Cultural Heritage. Date: 24-27 September 2024, online and face-to-face activities Discover the new edition and live an unforgettable experience in Italy from 24 to 27 September 2024 in Venaria Reale! The 2024 Young Professionals Forum programme will delve into best practices on universal accessibility to culture, ... Leggi tutto

Call for applications for the Single Cycle Master’s Degree Programme in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage – academic year 2024/25

Call for Admission Exams for the Single Cycle Master's Degree Programme in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage - academic year 2024/25 The Call for Admission Exams for the Single Cycle Master's Degree Programme in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage for academic year 2024/25 can be consulted on the website of the University of Turin. Learn more and ... Leggi tutto


5x1000 Donates 5 per thousand of IRPEF to culture. Thanks to your contribution, the Restoration Centre will be able to continue its activity with the aim of becoming a centre of excellence for the restoration of Cultural Heritage, for scientific research applied to Cultural Heritage, and to increase its international visibility. Also this year you can give directly ... Leggi tutto


LINEE DI ENERGIA 2023 For some years now, the ‘Linee di energia’ programme has been focusing on the conservation of photography. After the 2021 and 2022 appointments, which took place with remote interventions by protagonists and experts in the sector, the path undertaken through a mixed-form conference continues, with three meetings in which ... Leggi tutto


YOUNG PROFESSIONALS FORUM EMERGING SKILLS FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION FOURTH EDITION 5 April - 30 June 2023 with online activities and in presence HOW LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY AND NETWORKING OPERATE ON PREVENTIVE CONSERVATION is the leitmotiv on which the new edition of the Young Professionals Forum will focus, the international comparison platform built by the Centro Conservazione e Restauro ... Leggi tutto


SUMMER SCHOOL OFFICINA 1922 Applications are now open for the Summer School of the Baroque Program 2023! The Summer School ‘Officina 1922. An exhibition on the origins of the fortune of Baroque’ is organised – as part of the Fondazione 1563’s Baroque Programme – with the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin, in collaboration with the Centro Conservazione e ... Leggi tutto

Fellowship – Diagnost of Cultural Heritage

Fellowship - Diagnost of Cultural Heritage The Cecilia Gilardi Foundation, in agreement with the Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (CCR) ‘La Venaria Reale’, establishes a scholarship worth EUR 16 500 for a total commitment of ten months for a diagnost of cultural heritage. This bag is supported by the fund in memory ... Leggi tutto

Agreement signed between CNA Piemonte and CCR

The agreement between CNA Piemonte and CCR – Centro Conservazione e Restauro Venaria Reale was signed today at the Sala d’onore of the Circolo dei lettori Foundation in Turin. The meeting was attended by Andrea Tronzano, Councillor for the Development of Production Activities and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Nicola Scarlatelli, President ... Leggi tutto

LINES OF ENERGY Beyond photography. The photographic image between production, creation and conservation.

⁇ 18 November 2022 from 16.00 to 18.00 Live streaming digital conference Live streaming digital conference LINEE DI ENERGIA Oltre la fotografia. The photographic image between production, creation and conservation. Intesa Sanpaolo, the La Venaria Reale Conservation and Restoration Centre and the IGIIC Association – Gruppo Italiano International Institute for Conservation, on the occasion of the 2022 edition of Artissima ... Leggi tutto