Deadline – 31/01/2025 12.00
Exploratory notice of expression of interest aimed at establishing a list of architects and engineers for the assignment of support tasks to the administration in the management of the design and execution of recovery and enhancement interventions on buildings and assets subject to protection
a) With this notice, the Foundation intends to launch a non-binding informal procedure to establish a list of suitable external entities, qualified for the profession of architect or engineer with experience gained in the management of complex public contracts, operational coordination and the design and execution of recovery and enhancement interventions on buildings and assets subject to protection, for the conferral of professional tasks in the context of specific projects, interventions and conservation and restoration sites that the Conservation and Restoration Center "La Venaria Reale" intends to launch.
b) The list of successful candidates will be valid until 31/01/2026 and will complement the previous one published on the JRC website on 28/02/2024.
c) This procedural session, called for the establishment of the list referred to in point b, will end on 31/01/2025 and is subject to annual republication.
d) This procedure session is intended as an update of the previous one and is aimed at both new candidates and candidates on the previous list.
e) Candidates who are not considered suitable in this session of the procedure may resubmit their expression of interest at the next session.
f) The JRC invites you to periodically monitor the site, on which the update of the ‘windows’ for sending will be published on a case-by-case basis, until the list referred to in point b expires.