RESTURO CONSERVATION CENTER La Venaria Realehome / Events / Lessona Days

Friday 25 October 2024

Lessona Days

In the context of Lessona Days, cultural meetings inspired by the figure of the nineteenth-century scientist and popularizer Michele Lessona which will take place from 24 to 27 October in Venaria Reale, Friday 25 October at 6 p.m. the JRC will hold a meeting on “Restoration of the memorial plaque of Charles Lessona and its historia’, with the interventions of the Head of the Centre’s Wall Painting Laboratory, Marie-Claire Canepa.

Lessona Days will continue on Saturday 9 November with a new day of events between Venaria Reale and Turin, at the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences.

Admission to the events is free, upon reservation and subject to availability.

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Reservations required by 23 October filling out the form.

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