‘Linee di Energia’ 2024 in Turin
Origins of Video-Art. Create, document, preserve
In the 2024 edition, the ‘Linee di Energia’ project is dedicated to reflecting on video art as a creative tool in relation to its history, museum and collecting documentation, as well as how to preserve it over time: from the origins in the sixties with the first video elaborations for creative, documentary and critical purposes, to the development of techniques that have given rise to an artistic genre.
‘Linee di Energia’ is the programme of conferences dedicated to the production, conservation and transmission of contemporary works of art, organised by Intesa Sanpaolo in collaboration with IGIIC, the Italian Group of the International Institute for Conservation, and the Fondazione Centro Conservazione e Restauro ‘La Venaria Reale’.
The first three years were devoted to Italian artistic production from the 1960s to the 1980s. The second cycle dealt with photographic production, of which this edition explores the forms of film and video processing applied to art. The examination of new image creation techniques will be a topic of reflection in 2025.
In-person conference
Also available live streaming by linking to this page on the day of the event
19 November from 10.00 to 13.30
Institutional greetings:
Intesa Sanpaolo
Giorgio Bonsanti, former President of the MIC-MIUR Interministerial Commission for Restoration Education
Simonetta Fadda, Writer and contemporary art critic
Francesco Bernardelli, Contemporary art and performing arts critic and curator
Grazia Toderi, Artist
Francesco Jodice, Artist
Jolanda Ratti, Conservative of Contemporary Art
Sara Abram, Secretary-General of the La Venaria Reale Conservation and Restoration Centre
They coordinate:
Walter Guadagnini, Director CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia di Torino
Francesco Tedeschi, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan