RESTURO CONSERVATION CENTER La Venaria Realehome / Events / Energy Lines – Production, Conservation and Transmission

20 November 2020

Energy lines – Production, conservation and transmission of 20th-century Italian art

On the occasion of the publication of the proceedings of the first three editions of the conference ‘Linee di Energia’, an initiative promoted by the Fondazione Centro Conservazione e Restauro ‘La Venaria Reale’, the IGIIC Association – Gruppo Italiano International Institute for Conservation and Intesa Sanpaolo, proposes a reflection on the contexts of artistic production in the second half of the twentieth century in relation to current strategies for the conservation and presentation of works of art.

Following the system that has characterized the previous appointments (Beyond the picture. Forms and experimentations of the Sixties, 16-17 February 2017; Beyond the museum. The Radicalization of Artistic Research in the 1970s, 12-13 April 2018; The Eighties, towards other horizons, 16-17 May 2019), the meeting takes the form of a discussion between Artissima, art historians and critics, museum and instruction curators, conservators and restorers.
The presence of different perspectives is intended to foster an exchange of views on the meaning of the work, its historical dimension and more generally on the possibilities of survival and transmission of its material and immaterial elements.

In the frame of Artissima, in contact with the living body of contemporary production and its protagonists, the meeting, which constitutes the 2020 edition of ‘Linee di Energia’, as well as being aimed at presenting the three volumes that collect the interventions of past events, will encourage guests to reflect on the way in which current artistic production proposes a dialogue between ‘consumption’ and ‘conservation’ of the cultural, technical and visual characteristics of the work, from a theoretical and concrete point of view.

In closing, the curators will expose the themes identified for the next edition of the conference scheduled for 2021.


10.00 Institutional greetings
Michele CoppolaExecutive Director Art, Culture and Historical Heritage Intesa Sanpaolo
Ilaria BonacossaDirector of Artissima
Othephan Make-up, President of the ‘La Venaria Reale’ Conservation and Restoration Centre Foundation
     Lorenzo AppoloniaPresident of the IGIIC Association – Italian Group of the International Institute for Conservation

10.20 Presentation of the publication ‘Linee di Energia’ by Giorgio Bonsanti, already ordinary of
Restoration at the Universities of Turin and Florence, President of the Interministerial Commission
MIBAC-MIUR on the teaching of Restoration.

10.30   ‘Consumption’ and ‘Conservation’ of contemporary art: round table with artists and experts in dialogue with the curators of the conference.

Cesare PietroiustiArtist and President Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Gianfranco Maraniello, art critic and museologist
Giorgina Bertolino, independent art historian
Marzia Improves, artist
Andrea Vilianiart historian, Head and Curator of CRRI – Castello di Rivoli Research Centre and Curator of the ‘Pompeii’ project 
 Commitment. Archaeological Matters’
Alberto Peolagallerist Michele Guaschino, sculptor and creator of artistic models
Norma Mangionegallerist, Archivio Salvo

12.00 Q&A and Closing of the works


Andrea Viliani (1973), art historian and curator, is the creator and co-curator of the multi-year project Pompeii Commitment. Archaeological Matters / Archaeological Matters, at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, and Head and Curator of the CRRI-Centro di Ricerca Castello di Rivoli, the new department of the Castello di Rivoli-Museo d’Arte Contemporanea aimed at collecting, researching, studying and enhancing archival materials from artists and collectives, curators and critics, institutions, galleries and collections. From 2013 to 2019 Viliani was General and Artistic Director of the Donnaregina Foundation for Contemporary Arts/Mother of Naples, from 2009 to 2012 Director of the Fondazione Galleria Civica-Centro di Ricerca sulla Contemporaneità di Trento, from 2005 to 2009 Curator at the MAMbo-Museo d’Arte Moderna in Bologna and from 2000 to 2005 Assistant Curator at the Castello di Rivoli. In 2006, he was in the 60s. players of the Biennale de Lyon and in 2010-2012 among the 6 components of theAgent-Core Group of dOCUMENTA (13), co-curating with Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Aman Mojadidi positions in Kabul and Bamiyan (Afghanistan). For the project NO MANIFESTO received in 2005 the Lorenzo Bonaldi Prize for Art-EnterPrize. He has curated exhibitions and research projects at Museion in Bolzano, Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice, GAMeC-Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Bergamo, Museo Marino Marini in Florence, FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon in Montpellier. He is the author of essays in scientific publications and artist’s books and contributes to the magazines ‘Artribune’, ‘Flash Art’, ‘Frog’, ‘Kaleidoscope’ and ‘Mousse’.

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