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Wednesday 23 October 2024

Designing restorations: the role of the restorer of Cultural Heritage

The 23 October from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., will take place in Rome, at the Ministry of Culture, on Conference “Designing restorations: the role of the restorer of cultural heritage’, organised by Confartigianato Restoration with the collaboration of the Germozzi Foundation.

The conference aims to explore the different dimensions of the restoration of Cultural Heritage, highlighting the importance of the role of the restorer in the design process.

Through interventions by experts in the field, the methodologies, innovative practices and challenges that professionals face in their daily work will be deepened.

Following institutional greetings from the National President of Confartigianato Restauro SSBAP – Politecnico di Milano, the Ministry of Culture and Michela Cardinali, Director of the ‘La Venaria Reale’ Conservation and Restoration Centre’ School of Advanced Education, one of the Centre’s professionals will speak Daniela Russo, Project manager and coordination of the construction sites of the Scuola di Alta Formazione.

Download the program: here

To participate in person: Register here

The event can be streamed live: here

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