Agreement signed between CNA Piemonte and CCR
Today, an agreement was signed at the Sala d’onore of the Fondazione Circolo dei lettori in Turin between CNA Piedmont and JRC – Centro Conservazione e Restauro Venaria Reale.
The meeting was attended by Andrea Tronzano, Councillor for the Development of Production Activities and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Nicola Scarlatelli, President of CNA Piemonte, Luca Emilio Brancati, President of CNA Artistico e Tradizionale Piemonte, Stefano Trucco, President of CCR La Venaria Reale, Sara Abram, Secretary General of CCR La Venaria Reale.
The Convention has been designed – among other things – to define joint projects for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage in which the two institutions will be able to pool their professional knowledge and skills and to create a virtuous platform for starting a business.
It is therefore an action with the ambition of having positive effects both on training and the economy, as well as on the conservation of cultural heritage.
As part of the agreement, the JRC and CNA will also collaborate on a series of networking meetings between companies and young restorers of cultural heritage and recent graduates to develop new professional opportunities and to connect the craft enterprises associated with CNA Piemonte with newly graduated restorers for the activation of post-graduate internships.
In addition, through its training channels and through the use of the CCR Digital Lab digital platform, the JRC will promote a course provided by CNA professionals to provide knowledge on legal, economic and administrative issues and the tools necessary for the start-up of new businesses, including a consultancy activity by CNA to support the initial management phases.