RESTURO CONSERVATION CENTER La Venaria Realehome / Training / Bachelor of Science

The five-year single-cycle Master’s Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, launched by the University of Turin in agreement with the La Venaria Reale Conservation and Restoration Centre Foundation, is an enabling training course within the meaning of Legislative Decree No 42/2004.

The training activities of the Degree Course are coordinated by the S.U.S.C.O.R. – University Structure for Conservation, Restoration and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage Sciences, which involves the departments of Historical Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences and Systems Biology.

The five-year degree course has been accredited by the MiUR-MiBAC Joint Technical Committee, which operates at national level to guarantee the criteria and the level of quality of restoration teaching (as provided for by Ministerial Decree No 87 of 26 May 2009).

University of Turin

University of Turin

University Structure in Sciences for the Conservation, Restoration and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage

Director of S.U.S.C.O.R.
Daniele Castelli (disambiguation)

President of the Degree Course
Diego Elia

Training courses

The available places are defined annually, on the basis of five Professional Training Courses:

  • PFP 1: Stone materials and derivatives; Decorated surfaces of architecture
  • PFP 2: Painted artifacts on wooden and textile support; Artifacts carved in wood; Wooden furniture and structures; Manufactures of synthetic materials worked, assembled and/or painted
  • PFP 3: Textile and leather materials and articles
  • PFP 4: Ceramic and glass materials and artefacts; Materials and articles of metal and alloys
  • PFP 5: Book and archival material, paper and parchment artefacts, photographic, cinematographic and digital material

The fruitful and constant interaction between the University and the Centre has enriched the training offered by the Degree Course with important research projects and collaborations, including, for example, those with the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics of Turin and the European Network for Conservation – Restoration Education (ENCoRE), of which SUSCOR is the only Italian member.

In this collaborative framework, the ‘ART & LAW: Identity and Conservation of Contemporary Artworks: duties and responsibility’ and in 2018 the Winter School “Public & Heritage. Knowing, documenting and passing on cultural heritage”.



The Scientific Laboratories carry out diagnostic and research activities applied to Cultural Heritage with advanced technological tools, including an innovative radio-tomographic machine for digital radiographs and CT scans of large objects.


The School of Higher Education and Study (SAF) organizes and manages training and professional development courses and, thanks to the agreement with the University of Turin, participates in the organization of the Degree Course.


The Center develops and conducts activities of documentation and enhancement of archival and bibliographic funds of particular importance for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.