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Conservation and Restoration

The nine Restoration Laboratories of the Centre
conduct study and design activities aimed at the prevention, monitoring, maintenance and restoration of cultural heritage.

The restoration laboratories are the fulcrum of the various activities related to the care of works of art, but above all they are places of continuous discussion between professionals, teachers and students. Here we share skills, study techniques and materials, develop conservation protocols and lines of research and methodological experimentation.

The restoration activity conducted by the Center is functional to educational needs and is aimed at cases of particular complexity, in which the interdisciplinary contribution of restorers, historians and diagnosticians is necessary.

Created in accordance with the guidelines of the Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, the laboratories are divided into skills linked to the different types of artistic artefacts.

The Restoration Laboratories



The Scientific Laboratories carry out diagnostic and research activities applied to Cultural Heritage with advanced technological tools, including an innovative radio-tomographic machine for digital radiographs and CT scans of large objects.


The School of Higher Education and Study (SAF) organizes and manages training and professional development courses and, thanks to the agreement with the University of Turin, participates in the organization of the Degree Course.


The Center develops and conducts activities of documentation and enhancement of archival and bibliographic funds of particular importance for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.